Articles about machine-learning

Stuffs around machine learning in general...

Create a complete instance on Google Cloud for ML

If the data volume to process exceeds the capacities of your local computer, it may be time to switch to a Google Cloud instance with more capacities.


Gradient Descent Explained

Gradient descent is a major technique for training ML/DL models. Let’s have a closer look at it and implement a simple example from scratch in Python illustrating the main basic concepts around gradient descent.


CAST Model for Covid Prediction

Unless you spent these last few months in a cave in the end of the world (but then you’re probably not reading this article), you couldn’t escape the information about the Covid-19 pandemic. The difficulty to model its evolution is striking. In the US for example, a recent report of the CHS warned about this in a review of existing methods. They call therefore for the creation of a national outbreak science centre. Here is an article about CAST, an agent-based micro-simulation model I developed over the last few weeks as an attempt to make prediction about Corona spread.
